
Marie Goyette

Marie Goyette, born in Québec (Canada), studied piano and voice at McGill University in Montreal and in London with Albert Ferber and Radu Lupu. In 1989 she moved to Berlin and shifted her artistic work from traditional concert performance to performance and RadioArt. After several residencies at S.T.E.I.M. in Amsterdam and at the TU Studio in Berlin, she also works with sampling and personal electronics. She realises radio plays with Laetitia Sonami and Frieder Butzmann, which are broadcast on New American Radio, SFB3, Radio Canada and the BBC. Marie Goyette recorded several songs with the singer Dagmar Krause and is part of Chris Cutler's band P53, in which she improvises classical music on the piano. In 1997, the Festival Angelica in Bologna organised a retrospective of her compositions. From 1994, she expanded her activity into the field of musical theatre, performing worldwide in productions by Heiner Goebbels ("The Repetition", "Hashirigaki"). Since 2006 she has worked repeatedly with director David Marton, including at the Thalia Theater Hamburg, the Berlin Schaubühne, the Staatsschauspiel Stuttgart, Munich Kammerspiele and the Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz Berlin. She sang in the opera 'Les larmes du couteau' by Martinu under the régie of Jiri Menzel in Basel. Since 2019, Marie Goyette has been working regularly with American co-director Trajal Harrell. In recent years, she played Juno with David Marton in 'Dido and Aeneas' at the Lyon Opera and Juno in 'Narcisse et Echo' at the Théâtre de Vidy. She is also starring in the feature film 'The Grand Budapest Hotel' (2013) by Wes Anderson, 'Als Hitler rosa Kaninchen stahl' by Caroline Link (2019) and 'The Theory of Everything' by Timm Kröger (2022).