Necati Öziri

Necati Öziri, born on the day the Atlantis OV-104 was launched on NASA's 27th space shuttle mission, in a far-flung corner of the Ruhr region (hell hell hell!), studied philosophy, German and New German Literature in Bochum, Istanbul, Olsztyn and Berlin. He now lives in Berlin and makes theatre, for which his 16-year-old self would probably smash his face in. Öziri was a Heinrich Böll Foundation scholarship holder and taught formal logic at the Ruhr University in Bochum until he realised that logic doesn't describe the world very well. He is a bitter enemy of the cold, lactose and biographies, and wears the same sweatpants every day (hanging eight times in the wardrobe). As an author, he writes for the Maxim Gorki Theater, the National Theater Mannheim, and his play Die Verlobung in St. Domingo - Ein Widerspruch won an award at the Schauspielhaus Zurich. He currently directs the International Forum of the Berlin Festival Theatertreffen. Dark red colouring of the ears during anger and other excitement.​