Family Dress Up

Costume rental
Best of Fundus of the last 5 years

One hour before the start of the Snow White show, the Pfauen-Foyer is transformed into a temporary costume rental! Rummage through the Schauspielhaus's fairytale collection and transform yourself into a beauty queen or a fairytale uncle. From a black glitter cape to a neon yellow feather boa to a cow mask, you can try on different outfits at the Family Dress Up, pose in front of the mirror with your family and walk into the theater dressed up. And because the costume has to be returned after the performance, we offer Pizza for everyboddy: Margherita per tutti*e!


7 June 2024, supporting program *Happy End closing festival*
10:00 Family Dress Up - Costume rental. Best of Fundus of the last 5 years.
11:00 Schneewittchen Beauty Queen. For the very last time.
13:00 Pizza-Plausch in the Pfauen-Foyer.


  • 8 June 2024