«A kiss without consequences costs 10 franks.»
(in a letter by Sabina Spielrein to S. Freud via C.G. Jung)
In the summer of 1904, the Russian Spielrein family stays at the Hôtel Baur en Ville on Paradeplatz. Shortly afterwards, Sabina, their 18-year-old daughter, begins to riot and provokes their hospitalisation in the Burghölzli. She seeks help and distance from her family. The deputy secondary physician C.G. Jung tries out Sigmund Freud's ‘novel talking cure’ on her. Spielrein soon began studying medicine herself and wrote her doctoral thesis on schizophrenia. The married Jung became entangled in a relationship with her, and the therapeutic relationship was never dissolved. When it came to a break, Spielrein left Zurich and was accepted into Freud's Viennese ‘Wednesday Society’. Spielrein's ideas influenced both Jung and Freud. Long before the latter, she formulated a theory of the death instinct. In August 1942, Spielrein, her daughters and all the other Jewish people in her home town of Rostov-on-Don were murdered by the SS and forgotten.
An immersive installation, DOKTOR SPIELREIN combines virtual reality and live play. The collective RAUM+ZEIT was invited to the 2019 Schweizer Theatertreffen with their VR production ANTIGONE :: COMEBACK and won the Friedrich Luft Preis in 2022 for BERLAU :: KÖNIGREICH DER GEISTER.
Admission every 12 minutes for one person between 17.36 and 21.48, duration 70 minutes.
From the age of 16.