«A kiss without consequences costs 10 franks.»
(in a letter by Sabina Spielrein to S. Freud via C.G. Jung)
In the summer of 1904, the Russian family Spielrein descends upon Hôtel Baur en Ville on Paradeplatz. Shortly thereafter Sabina, their 18-year-old daughter, runs riot and provokes her hospitalization at Burghölzli. Assistant Physician C.G. Jung tries Sigmund Freud’s novel “talking cure” on her. Spielrein soon begins to study medicine herself and does her doctorate on schizophrenia. Jung, married, has an affair with her. When they break up, Spielrein leaves Zurich and is admitted to Freud’s Wednesday Society in Vienna. She does pioneering work in children’s psychology and builds a children’s home in Moscow. Stalin’s Great Terror drives her back to her home town. In August 1942, Spielrein, her daughters, and all the other Jews in Rostow am Don are killed by the SS.
An immersive installation, DOKTOR SPIELREIN combines virtual reality and live play. The collective RAUM+ZEIT was invited to the 2019 Schweizer Theatertreffen with their VR production ANTIGONE :: COMEBACK and won the Friedrich Luft Preis in 2022 for BERLAU :: KÖNIGREICH DER GEISTER.