BIPoC-viewers group visiting The Ozard of Wiz

The Schauspielhaus Zürich programme enterspaces creates space, makes room for different Safer Spaces to emerge, and empowers BIPoC to share their perspectives. On 9 December 2023, enterspaces invites you to a Family Special: we will attend The Ozard of Wiz together! With a personal pre- and post-show talk with Brandy Butler in a closed group.

BIPoC: refers to Black, Indigenous and People of Color and is a self-designation of people who experience racism.

Registration deadline (registration is required): 7. Dezember 2023
Registration & info: enterspaces [​at​] schauspielhaus.ch
Participants: max. 24, we meet at 3:15 p.m. at the Schiffbau-Foyer

  • 🛈 CHF 15 for The Ozard of Wiz and the audience group for people aged 17 and over, free of charge for people up to 16 years