
Mathis Neuhaus

Mathis Neuhaus studied Communications in Social and Economic Contexts at the University of the Arts in Berlin, before relocating to Zurich in 2015. In Berlin, he worked for cultural institutions like the KW Institute for Contemporary Art or Hamburger Bahnhof – Museum für Gegenwartskunst in the fields of public relations and art education. After completing his Master in Cultural Publishing at Zurich’s University of the Arts in 2017, he began writing for outlets like Kunstbulletin, Republik or the online magazine of Zurich’s club institution Zukunft. In 2016, he founded the transmedia publishing house Transform together with Ozan Polat. Transform works in close collaboration with authors to develop transmedia projects, flexibly publishing new ideas that can take any form. In addition to that, he accompanied the program Transcultural Collaboration of Zurich’s University of the Arts in Hong Kong for three months as a writer in residence. Since 2019, Mathis Neuhaus is part of the editorial team of the magazine zweikommasieben from Lucerne that devotes itself to the documentation of contemporary music production.