Nahaufnahme: Christopher Rüping

Book launch with the Alexander Verlag Berlin

Christopher Rüping, born in 1985, is not yet so old that his work needs to be reappraised, much is still to come. But because he and the people he works with have developed a theatrical language over the comparatively few years of their professional life together that is unparalleled in terms of sensitivity, openness and honesty and these qualities are perhaps particularly urgently needed these days, the two dramaturges Vasco Boenisch and Malte Ubenauf have joined forces with the Alexander Verlag Berlin to produce an initial inventory of Christopher Rüping's work in book form. This close-up will be published in early June 2024 and will be presented by co-editor Vasco Boenisch and some of Rüping's companions before the Gier performance.


7 June 2024, supporting program *Happy End Closing Festival*
18:30 Book launch with the Alexander Verlag Berlin: Nahaufnahme.
19:30 Gier. For the very last time.
21:30 Pack die Badehose einPicnic and music on the Blatterwiese.


Vasco Boenisch
  • 7 June 2024