James Bridle

James Bridle is a writer, artist and technologist, internet thought leader, astute analyst of the new age, feminist eco-technologist and a space-creating installation artist. James Bridle writes for the Guardian and the Atlantic, the Financial Times, Frieze and the Observer; the books New Dark Age and Ways of Being have been translated into numerous languages, while Bridle's award-winning art has found a global home in museums and galleries around the world and on the internet.
In a keynote speech for Schauspielhaus Zürich, James Bridle will talk about the possibility of using language to bring about radical change, discuss how sustainability can go hand in hand with necessary, incisive disruption and what future design possibilities beyond apocalyptic fatalism might look like.

Afterwards, Bice Curiger, Swiss curator of international renown, will hold a discussion with James Bridle.


6 June 2024, supporting program *Happy End Closing Festival*
19:00 Kick-off with a online-keynote by James Bridle.
20:30 Sonne, los jetzt. For the very last time.
23:00 Sonne Extended - The End. Spherical sounds into the night.

A ticket for Sonne, los jetzt is also valid for the keynote and the concert Sonne Extended - The End.


  • 6 June 2024
  • English