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Parzival ff
Tabita Johannes x Matze Pröllochs

Sketches based on the verse romance by Wolfram von Eschenbach
A season-spanning play with the ensemble
Staging: Leonie Böhm

After an initial encounter between Matthias Neukirch and Ondrej Vidlar inaugurated the chivalric dance in January, Wiebke Mollenhauer, the theater year, Sebastian Rudolph, and Kim de l’Horizon have met each other and the audience. In May, the knight welcomes a special pair to the round table: ensemble member Tabita Johannes meets drummer Matze Pröllochs. Which rhythms are best suited for the search for connection in vulnerability? And how do language, music, and body meet in a non-hierarchical space?

Leonie Böhm
Bendix Fesefeldt
Dramaturgy assistance
Helena Eckert
Production assistance
Louisa Raspé
  • 26. Mai 2024, Grosses Zeughaus