Collegium Novum Zürich

Line-up «Carmen»: Sarah Ouakrat and Elia Pianaro, flute; Matthias Arter and Maria Alba Carmona Tobella, oboe; Heinrich Mätzener and Ernesto Molinari, clarinet; Jens Bracher and Christoph Luchsinger, trumpet; Stephen Menotti, Kevin Toksöz Fairbairn and Romain Nussbaumer, trombone; Aya Masui, percussion; Rahel Cunz, violin 1; Mateusz Szczepkowski, violin 2; Fabio Marano and Sophie Wahlmüller, viola; Martina Schucan and Tommaso Verlinghieri, violoncello; Seon-Deok Baik, Josef Gilgenreiner and Käthi Steuri, double bass

Collegium Novum Zürich (CNZ), founded in 1993, has become an integral part of the Swiss cultural scene. The 23-member ensemble has dedicated itself entirely to contemporary music, which it cultivates in three ways: through creation, preservation and communication.

The ensemble firstly considers it its task to promote the creation of new music: through targeted commissions of compositions and close collaboration with composers. This results in both large-scale ensemble works as well as interdisciplinary works that are tailored to a wide variety of venues. Productions range from the classical concert experience—with orchestral, chamber music or soloist instrumentation—to music theatre, improvisation and performance.

Secondly, there is the preservation of what has already been created. In addition to unheard music, the CNZ cultivates a repertoire of 20th century masterpieces that fit neither into the canon of the classical concert business nor into the cutting-edge programme of the avant-garde.

Ultimately, the ensemble is committed to enabling as many people as possible to participate in the richness of contemporary music. With its creative programmes, it appeals to a wide audience and also cultivates various educational formats.

The CNZ performs regularly in Switzerland and abroad and makes guest appearances at renowned festivals and event organisers.