
Yasi Moradi

Yasi Moradi was born in 1991 in Kerman, Iran. She started out studying engineering, but later her interest led her to art, theatre and cinema. Her career started in 2017 with writing and directing the play "Yasi's Graffiti Exhibition", which was presented at the RoobeRoo Mansion in Tehran after several experiences as an assistant director. As a film editor, she has worked with many directors (short and feature films). She also produced and directed several successful short films.

Since 2020, she has worked as a video artist in exhibitions at the Centre Pompidou; both in the play "Les chemins de la liberté" (2021); in Amir Reza Koohestani's productions of "Professor Bernhardi" (Freiburg Theatre 2022) and "Waiting for Godot" (Tehran 2020).