Alexander Giesche X Nikolaj Schultz


Alexander Giesche's visual poem Der Mensch erscheint im Holozän was the director's first work at the Pfauen and was awarded all the major prizes in German-language theater. It is a visually stunning evening about global warming, because although the word climate change is not mentioned once, “it becomes clear how fragile our planet and our lives are", writes the jury of the Vienna Nestroy Theater Prize. The performance will be followed by a discussion between Alexander Giesche and the young Danish sociology star Nikolaj Schultz, in which they will explore the connection between the self in the climate catastrophe and art. What spaces can theater open up so that it becomes a field of experimentation for a new relationship between humans and the environment?

5 June 2024, supporting program *Happy End Closing Festival*
18:30 Kick-off with a keynote by Nikolaj Schulz.
19:30 Der Mensch erscheint im Holozän. For the very last time.
21:00 Alexander Giesche x Nikolaj Schulz. Talk on the Pfauenbühne.

A ticket for Der Mensch erscheint im Holozän is also valid for the keynote and the talk.

  • 5 June 2024
  • English