Anna Rosenwasser

© Noëlle Guidon/NZZaS

Speech for the overwhelmed by and with Anna Rosenwasser

For some, terms like LGBTQ, feminism and queer activism are superfluous trends, others don't understand the terms. For many, however, they are not just words, but a home. The newly elected National Councillor Anna Rosenwasser belongs to the latter category. She has always felt the excessive demands of a heteronormative environment. And in her new job - a “safe space for cis men” as she sometimes calls the National Council chamber - to a completely different extent. But there is an important distinction for her: Excessive demands coupled with curiosity is nice. Excessive demands coupled with rejection, anger or hate are not. The activism that she is now trying to bring to the state capital is based on this distinction. With empathy, understanding and patience, she seeks to talk to those who are overwhelmed: be it in the rural regions of our country, where queers and feminists sometimes stand out like colorful dogs, or in the hallowed halls of parliament, where the name Thomas is more common than outed people.

In her “Referat für Überforderte”, Anna Rosenwasser takes a bird's eye view: We all feel overwhelmed. How do we deal with it? What needs to change in our error culture, characterized by steep power structures and fears, so that we can all express, acknowledge and celebrate our shortcomings? A conversation for people who like to complement their excessive demands with openness.

Immediately after the lecture, we will be performing the dernière of Virginie Despentes' Liebes Arschloch, directed by Yana Ross, at the Pfauen.


8 June 2024, supporting program *Happy End closing festival*
19:00 Kick-off with a keynote by Anna Rosenwasser.
20:00 Liebes Arschloch. For the very last time.


  • ca. 30 min