Keynote: Nikolaj Schultz

On the Many Ways of ‘Becoming Sensible’ in the Anthropocene, or; a New Existentialism

*** The Keynote by Nikolaj Schultz is cancelled ***

The Dane Nikolaj Schultz, “sociology's beacon of hope”, as the NZZ headlined this year, describes the feeling of our lives being ruined in the Anthropocene like no other. In his book Landkrank, he senses a language for the existential unease in the ecological crisis. At the Schauspielhaus Zürich, Nikolaj Schultz will give a lecture in English entitled On the Many Ways of 'Becoming Sensible' in the Anthropocene, or; a New Existentialism before the performance of Der Mensch erscheint im Holozän. How is it that we are all affected by the climate catastrophe, but our responsibility is either guilt or denial instead of action? How is this relationship between communal experience and the individual expressed? And can a radical self-reference, the experience of one's own affectedness bring people out of the powerlessness to act?


5 June 2024, supporting program *Happy End Closing Festival*
18:30 Kick-off with a keynote by Nikolaj Schulz.
19:30 Der Mensch erscheint im Holozän. For the very last time.
21:00 Alexander Giesche x Nikolaj Schulz. Talk on the Pfauenbühne.

A ticket for Der Mensch erscheint im Holozän is also valid for the keynote and the talk.


  • 5 June 2024
  • English