Related Artists

Radiating outwards from Zurich and its artists, the Schauspielhaus Zürich is connecting with other artists, theatres and cities. This network around the Schauspielhaus includes the directors Christiane Jatahy and Milo Rau, their existing and developing work.

Also, the Schauspielhaus Bochum and the Schauspielhaus Zürich have agreed on a long-term collaboration. In practical terms, this partnership is expressed by the Schauspielhaus Zürich regularly showing one production per season from Bochum. Conversely, one production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich will also travel to Germany.

Related Artists :

Christiane Jatahy
NT GENT / Milo Rau
Schauspielhaus Bochum

Related Artists At Risk:

Left Bank Theatre Kiyv / Stas Zhyrkov