About this Evening

What traces does a farewell leave behind? With this question in mind, Alexander Giesche reads Tennessee Williams’ final novel in his new visual poem. Moise and the World of Reason is the story of a farewell: the painter Moise organises a party to withdraw from the world of reason – and to break with art. The unnamed narrator, Moise’s best friend, then makes his way through New York’s nightlife until he sees the sunrise on the roof of a warehouse, which turns the black and white of the world of reason into grey.
A visual poem by Alexander Giesche is poetry cast in space: using music, light, video and technology, Giesche, together with the four actors, creates dense atmospheres that do not claim to be a retelling of Tennessee Williams’ novel. Instead, its traces are picked up and associatively transformed into images, an emotional landscape for Moise, and perhaps for all of us, to say goodbye to the world of reason.

Alexander Giesche
Stage design
Nadia Fistarol
Costume design
Felix Siwiński
Sound design
Singoh Nketia
Pata Popov
Graphic Design
Clemens Piontek
Christoph Kunz
Bendix Fesefeldt
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Audience Development
Mathis Neuhaus
Touring & International Relations
Sonja Hildebrandt
Production Assistance
Dominic Schibli
Stage design assistance
Chih-Ying Lin / Manuel Halblützel
Costume design Assistance
Marcus Karkhof
Video assistant
Timon Däster
Michael Durrer
Gerlinde Uhlig-Vanet
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