Graveyard Shift:
a radio program by
Schauspielhaus Zürich
and Bad Bonn

by Mathis Neuhaus
published on 21. June 2021

"Graveyard Shift" refers to the slot at the edges of the radio program between 1 a.m. and the wee hours of the morning - during the time when an eclectic community of insomniacs, nerds, and those whose work schedules are counter-cyclical gather in front of the radios. The slot gives the radio makers the freedom to create a show without regard to mass tastes. In this tradition, Bad Bonn and Schauspielhaus Zürich have awarded five Cartes Blanches to musicians, both from the theater's ensemble and beyond, to produce a one-hour radio show - with the only stipulation that it must include a report on the current weather situation. So in five shows, Graveyard Shift assembles a current weather map of the musical landscape.

The five shows are the prelude to a cooperation between the Schauspielhaus Zürich and Bad Bonn, which will lead to Grünton - Musik and Sounds in the Schiffbau-Garten on June 25 and 26, 2021. On the very last weekend of the season, the garden of the Schiffbau will become a body of sound. Between concerts, performances, workshops, readings and listening sessions, a sounding landscape will emerge in resonance with the living, vibrating processes of the garden.

The program of Grünton consists of

Alice, Atlas des éphémères by Cyril Yeterian & Fhunyue Gao, Bonaventure, Carolina Mendonça & Catalina Insignares, damelove, Hans Unstern, Julian Sartorius, Magda Drozd, Nazanin Noori, Theater Hora, Tomoko Sauvage and others